Hello all:
In case you missed last night's meeting or didn't get a chance to sign up, here is information on three upcoming district events. The more participation we have in these events, the more likely we are to earn club awards at the end of the year. Plus they are fun, informative and a great chance to meet Rotarians from other clubs. Please consider attending one or more of these events. Thanks.
P.S. We especially need one more person to attend the grant writing workshop on June 9. The club will pay for your attendance. You are responsible for the costs of the other events.
* Monday, May 14 - Teacher Impact Awards (deadline to register is May 7)
* Saturday, June 9 - Grant Writing Workshop (deadline to register is June 1)
* Thursday, June 28 - "The Party", District Governor Dennis Zubler's Inaugural Dinner (deadline to register is June 21)